Proposed 3 types of Rituals

  1. Hutani(हुतानि)
  2. Rahitani (रहुतानि)
  3. Brahmahutani(ब्रह्मनिहतानि)

Fives types of Yajnas proposed

  1. Deva Yajna(देवयज्ञः)
  2. Bhūtayajñaḥ(भूतयज्ञः)
  3. Pitṛyajñaḥ(पितृयज्ञः)
  4. BrahmaYajna (ब्रह्मयज्ञः)
  5. ManushaYajna (मनुष्ययज्ञश्च)

The Sixteen Sacraments (Ṣoḍaśakarma)

An overview of the essential sacraments in Hindu tradition.

Garbhādhāna Sacrament

1. Garbhādhāna

The sacrificial rite performed for obtaining virtuous offspring. Conducted with pure intentions, it ensures excellent results.

Puṃsavana Sacrament

2. Puṃsavana

A ritual to remove any medical or inborn defects in the embryo.

Sīmantōnnayana Sacrament

3. Sīmantōnnayana

This rite is performed with the expectation of having male or female offspring. In this, the husband places a blade of Durvā grass on the wife’s nose.

Jātakarma Sacrament

4. Jātakarma

A ritual conducted to remove defects arising from the consumption of amniotic fluid during pregnancy.

Nāmakaraṇa Sacrament

5. Nāmakaraṇa

This sacrament is performed for increasing lifespan and social advancement. The child’s name is determined based on the month and star of birth.